Register yourself now!
Only a few steps to your me[e]box.
Confirmation completed!
Your e-mail address has been confirmed. Your meebox will be available in up to 5 minutes.
Ihre Zugangsdaten erhalten Sie in Kürze per e-mail.
Confirmation failed!
Your e-mail address has already been confirmed or is not saved in our system. Furthermore it is possible that you confirmed a wrong confirmation link. Please check once more your e-mail of confirmation.
Register yourself now!
Register now and save your personal me[e]box.
Complete registration
Please confirm the general terms and conditions of meebox GmbH
State: May 2018
Information of payment
Please insert the following information due to invoicing:
The fields with * are mandatory fileds!
Please accept the general terms and conditions!
Please choose the method od payment!
Please accept the current direct debit mandate!